Sport Lab // White Subscription 7-10

7-10 Unlimited & Premium White Subscriptions

White Unlimited Subscription

Unlimited of the skill classes offered along with free camps/clinics when offered.

  • Strength/Conditioning
  • Hitting
  • Pitching
  • Catching
  • Defense
  • Camps/Clinics

White Premium Subscription


  • Strength 3x per week plus 4 skill classes from above or
  • 8 skill classes (not including strength) (you may mix classes)
  • 4 Open Batting Cages (May be required to share)
  • In an email to please indicate which skill classes you want so we can send over the appropriate link.

7-10 Basic White Subscriptions

White Basic Subscription


  • Strength 2x per week or
  • 4 skill classes (Hitting, Pitching, Catching or Defense) (no splitting of classes)
  • 4 Open Batting Cages (May be required to share)

White Hitting- (4x a month) +4 Open Cages

  • 4 hitting sessions per month
  • Instruction from Malachi Fuller (CRC) and/or Burle Dixon (Minor Leaguer)

-Dynamic Warmup
-Tee Work
-Front Toss
-Over hand throw/ Pitching machine
-If time Hittrax game

4 Open Batting Cages (May be required to share)

White Pitching- (4x per month) +4 Open Cages

This is a group lesson with up to 4 pitchers in a class with former Major Leaguer David Hernandez and Sport Lab assistant pitching coaches.

– Dynamic Warmup
– Mound Movements
– Band Program
– Weighted Ball Program
– Long Toss/Bullpen

Classes range from 40 minutes to an hour depending on how full the classes are.

4 Open Batting Cages (May be required to share)

White Catching – (4x per month) +4 Open Cages

4 Catching classes with Jerad Deacon (Former catcher in the Giants Organization)

– Dynamic Warmup
– Pitch Framing
– Blocking
– Live Bullpens
-Throwing to bases

4 Open Batting Cages (May be required to share)

White Sport Lab Practice – (3x per month) +4 Open Cages

Everything baseball (Defense, Baserunning, PFP’s, Hitting, Team defense etc.)

All players will be separated by age

Friday Nights only 6:00pm-7:30pm

4 Open Batting Cages (May be required to share)

White Strength – (8x per month) +4 Open Cages

  • Design a program specifically for you. Watch yourself progress.
  • Strength Coach on hand to monitor workouts

-Circuit Training
-Band Resistant Training
-Weight Lifting

  • 4 Open Batting Cages (May be required to share)

White Strength – (8x per month)

  • Design a program specifically for you. Watch yourself progress.
  • Strength Coach on hand to monitor workouts

-Circuit Training
-Band Resistant Training
-Weight Lifting